SUSPENSION SCENERIES @ Festival MIDEN, Kalamata, Greece

FESTIVAL MIDEN, Kalamata, GREECE Historic Center 4-6 Luglio 2013 SUSPENSION SCENERIES Videoart selection by Visualcontainer 5 Luglio 2013 Videoart screening Visualcontainer è stata invitata a partecipare come partner alla 9 edizione del Festival Miden, con uno screening dedicato al tema della sospensione SUSPENSION SCENERIES Non sembrano esserci molte certezze e speranze in Italia anche dopo essere scampati alla catastrofica profezia Maia. Crisi economica, disoccupazione, orizzonti persi sotto il profilo politico, per non parlare dei propri piani di realizzazione personale, quando non è la stessa sopravvivenza ad essere messa in gioco. E le cose non sembrano essere molto diverse nel più vasto panorama europeo, anzi… E allora spesso gli artisti video scelgono di rallentare gli sguardi, fermare i tremori e le preoccupazioni, per sintonizzarsi su scenari di sospensione, punti di instabilità permanenti eppure salvifici e maieutici. Visioni esterne, di mondi magari fantastici, magari al limite tra realtà e fiction, in ogni caso distinte dalla realtà ordinaria e greve. Oppure introspezioni e vissuti interiori, in un rimuginare lento ed ossessivo di riflessioni di identità e pensieri solo apparentemente a vuoto. Originano grembi audiovisi che per il tempo della visione possono proteggerci, stimolarci ed infine scuoterci. Quando ritorniamo nelle problematicità del mondo, siamo allora più saldi e forti? Giorgio Fedeli Artisti invitati: Sonia Armaniaco, Armida Gandini, Timothy Rolling Pickerill, Karin Felbermayr, Patrizia Bonardi, Daniela Di Maro, Chiara Mazzocchi, Alessandra Arno',Rebecca Agnes, Di Bernardo Rietti Toppeta, Luca Christian Mander Selezione video: Sonia Armaniaco Tale of Suspensus Series #1 4'00" 2011 Armida Gandini noli me tangere 6'40" 2007 Timothy Rolling Pickerill Deep Black Incantation #18: cesura 6'13" 2011 Karin Felbermayr Person#21 2' 27" 2011 Patrizia Bonardi The immobility of tree 3'11'' 2012 Daniela Di Maro Migrations 5’13” 2011 Chiara Mazzocchi Human Alienation 2'00' 2011 Alessandra Arno' Blindfold 1'00" 2011 Rebecca Agnes Gotic 5'24" 2012 Di Bernardo Rietti Toppeta Fisiognomica 2'40" 2012 Luca Christian Mander Eppursimuove 03' 40" 2009 About : Festival Miden*, the first Greek video art festival presented in open public spaces, is an annual video art & new media cultural event held in Kalamata, GR. The festival is founded, organised and curated by a team of contemporary Greek artists, who are all linked with Kalamata since childhood. It is an independent initiative, realised by Sea Level (Urban, Non-profit Organisation) and supported by Kalamata’s Historic Centre Organization, the Messinia Chamber of Commerce and the Municipality of Kalamata. The main purpose of the festival is the free presentation, promotion and development of Greek and international video art and new media art, in times dominated and defined by image and technology, creating a new, alternative, peripheral meeting point for emerging and established video and media artists from Greece and all over the world. Since 2005, Festival Miden has been gradually established as one of the most successful and interesting video art festivals in Greece and abroad and has been a significant point of cultural exchange for Greek, European and international video art. Festival Miden has presented screening programs, exhibitions and collaborations all over Greece, while collaborating with various art groups, art schools, art spaces, organisations and other festivals in Greece and internationally. The festival's motto is "Start from zero". (*Miden means “zero” in Greek) Detailed Program Satellite events
FESTIVAL MIDEN, Kalamata, GREECE Historic Center 4-6 July 2013 SUSPENSION SCENERIES Videoart selection by Visualcontainer 5 july 2013 Videoart screening Visualcontainer is invited to present a special videoart selection as parner of the 9th edition of Festival MIDEN, Kalamata, Greece. SUSPENSION SCENERIES There seem to be not many certainties and hopes in Italy even after escaping the catastrophic Maya prophecy. Economic crisis, unemployment, lost political horizons, not to mention about our own plans for personal development or life itself being at stake. And things do not seem to be very different in the wider European scene indeed… So, video artists often choose to slow their gazing down and stop the tremors and concerns, just to tune to suspension sceneries, to points of permanent instability and yet saving and maieutic spots. External visions, relevant to possible worlds of fantasy or maybe at the borderline between reality and fiction, in any case something that is distinct from the hard ordinary living. Or again, introspections and inner experiences, in a slow and obsessive brooding of thoughts’ and identitiies’ reflections that are only apparently empty. There originate enthralling audiovisual wombs that can protect, stimulate and finally shake us for the time of the vision. When we come back to the problems of the world, are we closer and stronger? Giorgio Fedeli Artists invited: Sonia Armaniaco, Armida Gandini, Timothy Rolling Pickerill, Karin Felbermayr, Patrizia Bonardi, Daniela Di Maro, Chiara Mazzocchi, Alessandra Arno',Rebecca Agnes, Di Bernardo Rietti Toppeta, Luca Christian Mander Video Selection: Sonia Armaniaco Tale of Suspensus Series #1 4'00" 2011 Armida Gandini noli me tangere 6'40" 2007 Timothy Rolling Pickerill Deep Black Incantation #18: cesura 6'13" 2011 Karin Felbermayr Person#21 2' 27" 2011 Patrizia Bonardi The immobility of tree 3'11'' 2012 Daniela Di Maro Migrations 5’13” 2011 Chiara Mazzocchi Human Alienation 2'00' 2011 Alessandra Arno' Blindfold 1'00" 2011 Rebecca Agnes Gotic 5'24" 2012 Di Bernardo Rietti Toppeta Fisiognomica 2'40" 2012 Luca Christian Mander Eppursimuove 03' 40" 2009 About : Festival Miden*, the first Greek video art festival presented in open public spaces, is an annual video art & new media cultural event held in Kalamata, GR. The festival is founded, organised and curated by a team of contemporary Greek artists, who are all linked with Kalamata since childhood. It is an independent initiative, realised by Sea Level (Urban, Non-profit Organisation) and supported by Kalamata’s Historic Centre Organization, the Messinia Chamber of Commerce and the Municipality of Kalamata. The main purpose of the festival is the free presentation, promotion and development of Greek and international video art and new media art, in times dominated and defined by image and technology, creating a new, alternative, peripheral meeting point for emerging and established video and media artists from Greece and all over the world. Since 2005, Festival Miden has been gradually established as one of the most successful and interesting video art festivals in Greece and abroad and has been a significant point of cultural exchange for Greek, European and international video art. Festival Miden has presented screening programs, exhibitions and collaborations all over Greece, while collaborating with various art groups, art schools, art spaces, organisations and other festivals in Greece and internationally. The festival's motto is "Start from zero". (*Miden means “zero” in Greek) Detailed Program Satellite events

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