Marta Roberti was born 1977 and lives in Roma and Taipei. she uses oil pastel or watercolour drawings to create short animated video, video installations and drawing installations. She has a Masters degree in Philosophy from the University of Verona and a Masters degree in Multimedia Art from The Brera Art Academy.
Her dissertation degrees has been published and her video works has been showed in international festival: CINESTESIA ,International feminist video art festival,
Varsity Center for the Arts,Carbondale, Illinois,2013. PROYECTOR
International Videoart festival Madrid,2013, FILMIDEO International
video art festival,Index Art Center,Newark,2013.L’ALTRA LEI, STORIE
DI DONNE AL CINEMA, Cinema teatro Chiasso,Svizzera, 2010.VIDEO IT,
Fondazione Merz. Torino, 2010, ,VIDEO REPORT 2006-7, Galleria
Comunale di arte contemporanea di Monfalcone, 2008.
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Becoming-abject/Scarabocchio, 3:00, 2015The life in me, the beast inside, independent of my will, it is intrinsic on my being and yet so much me. It is experienced as in-human, obscene, but only because it is too human. This piece of flesh called my body expressed the object/divine potency of a life which inconsciousness lifes in fear of.
I'm in love with this obscene life in me.
Sarà stato, 7'12", 2013The atmosphere and the scenes in this video are inspired by two clinical cases of Freud's Little Hans and the Wolf Man. The narrative tries to trace the stream of consciousness of a neurotic, whose disease dates back to childhood trauma, which is narrating to Freud. the title will state indicates that the time was treated as a memory, and that things have been described as memories. has been made ??of hundreds of designs engraved on sheets of tracing paper in black graphite. From an archive of photographs of moments of celebration or daily life belonging to different families anonymous, I cut out the characters making collages, mixing mothers, fathers and children and turning them into drawings.
Credits: Supported by filmmaker, Milan, Italy
Director/drawing: Marta Roberti
Sound: Matteo Nasini
Speaker: Rascia Darwish