Valentina Miorandi / DRIFTERS


Valentina Miorandi (Trento, 1982) is graduate in Theories and Practices of Theater at the University of Bologna. She has won two fellowships for attending the Master in Direction of Photography at the New York Film Academy (2006) and the Master in Photography at the Escola Superior de Cinema y Audiovisuales de Catalunya (2007). Has been visiting professor at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid and Cuenca) and has directed, since 2007, several multimedia projects held within institutional spaces (Foundation Historical Museum of Trentino, MAG Museum, Kultural Bersntol Institut). She has cooperated with internationally established artists like Rosa Barba, Elisabetta Benassi, Stefania Galegati Shines, Marinella Senatore. One of her documentaries has got the MilanoFilmFestival 2010 award. Recently one of her art works became part of the collection of MART Museum and is now visible in the Magnificent Obsession exhibition. In 2013 she won the Euromobil Prize in Bologna Art Fair.


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Available videos:

Drifters - Eating An Abstraction
That Generates Visceral
Sensations, 2018

Drifters - Lynx Of Boeotia, 5:00. 2017
Eros Epidermico is the title of a research project carried out in the past two years by the Drifters. The project is multidisciplinary and is described in workshops, trekking, apparitions, productions of images, writings and videos. Drifters' research is oriented towards the study of new methods aimed at the critical release of imaginary schemes that create alternative erogenous pleasure sites. In this case, the Lynx of Boeotia video is a reflection on how infinitesimal elements such as atoms, transformed into sensitive matter against the background of a scenario populated by androids. The skin that encloses us, giving us a porous individual identity, melts, becomes red and materializes. In our not far future fully robotic, the transition from materiality to sensitivity will be one of the real possibilities.
by DRIFTERS (Valentina Miorandi + Sandrine Nicoletta)

Cross Broadway, 5'27'', 2009
The artist as an accidental tourist struggling with an unprecedented sweep around the soul of Manhattan. The heart of the metropolis is taken in a single frame, without interruptions, the structure of the film is like the opening credits of a movie, that is about to begin, the 42nd street as iconic status landscaping with saturated blunders, neon is crossed by anonymous human figures. Passers-by, transiting the crossroads, overlap each other and become "famous" for the short time of their passage, then vanished and replaced by other ephemeral "stars". It 's the genius loci of this artificial and abstract no place, to choose and determine, during the fleeting transit, the real stars of the show as part of Cross Broadway.
In collaboration with Galleria Boccanera, Trento